Space4Culture: Satellite services for historical and creative cities


Matera, Italy

The Space4Culture Conference

Eurisy, the Basilicata Region, NEREUS, the TeRN Consortium and the Italian Space Agency organise the “Space4Culture” conference to discuss current and potential uses of satellite-based services to safeguard and promote cultural heritage, create cultural and artistic experiences, foster social inclusion, and promote access to culture and arts within and around cities.

In particular, this conference will discuss uses of satellite-based services in the following domains:

Conference objectives


The conference mainly targets final users of satellite-based services in the cultural and creative sectors:

Moreover, the event aims at fostering discussion among the whole ecosystem of actors involved in managing and fostering culture, namely:


The conference will be held at Palazzo Lanfranchi, in the Matera city centre.


The conference will last two half-days.


English and Italian (simultaneous translation to be provided).

Geographical coverage

The conference addresses the issue of safeguarding and promoting cultural heritage from a European perspective. Nevertheless, given the potential of satellite-based applications to protect and promote tangible and intangible cultural heritage, the conference might also include examples of use of satellite-based services from continents other than Europe. 

For enquiries, please write to 

This event is organised with the Eurisy “Space4Cities” initiative.