Storytelling in the Classroom: The 2nd GEO-Academy Workshop for France: Urban Sustainability, GIS and Earth Observation via the Living Labs Approach
The 2nd GEO-Academy workshop "Storytelling in the Classroom", organised by the French GEO-Hub, Eurisy, is designed to enhance educators' spatial, digital, and green skills. The workshop will focus on two of the main driving forces of the GEO-Academy project: Cartography, Map Literacy, and Spatial Skills Development, then Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Earth Sciences and we will download, process, and model spatial data to tackle real-world environmental challenges upon challenge-based activities. In addition, the participants will be able to hear more about GEO-Academy, GEOBSERVE, and the GEO-Academy’s Unified Competence Framework. Visualize knowledge and empower your students' learning but, you have to remember…. one layer at a time!
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