Geospatial Tools for Cities Focus Group: Smart Cities Marketplace
The Geospatial Tools for Cities Focus Group is a new initiative developed by Eurisy in collaboration with ICLEI within the Smart Citities Maketplace of the European Commission.
The Geospatial Tools for Cities Focus Group is a new initiative developed by Eurisy in collaboration with ICLEI within the Smart Citities Maketplace of the European Commission.
UDENE - Urban Development Explorations using Natural Experiments project aims to use large amounts of Earth Observation (EO) data from Copernicus satellites and in situ data, to support evidence-based decision making for urban development, especially in international partner countries of geographical relevance. To support the UN Sustainable Development Goal 11 of making cities safe, resilient, and sustainable, the project will create a virtual laboratory for urban planners and visionaries to test and validate their development ideas through natural experiments. This exploration tool will be complemented with a matchmaking tool to promote the uptake of European space-based offers and competencies by connecting end-users to relevant products, solutions, services, and applications from the European space sector.
SpaceSUITE builds on the success, and experience of EO4GEO, updating the body of knowledge of Earth Observation and Geo-information, expanding it to the fields of Positioning Navigation and Timing and Satellite Communication. The main objective of the project is to ensure the development of advanced skills in space-related fields and the provision of education and training activities for higher education (HE) and VET for upskilling and reskilling, in particular for professionals, entrepreneurs, graduates and students, which are central in the EU Space Programme.
The GEO-Academy project (funded by Erasmus+) aims to develop a network offering teacher training and development to incorporate Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing (RS) and Earth Observation (EO) along with Geospatial Storytelling in environmental and Sustainable Development education topic.
Over 36 months, the consortium of 12 partners in 7 countries will develop and provide a range of resources, training courses, and workshops for teachers, as well as a “GEOBSERVE” platform to facilitate the exchange of resources, tools, and best practices, to be made freely accessible in 6 languages to all educational institutions across Europe.
THETIDA "Technologies and methods for improved resilience and sustainable preservation of underwater and coastal cultural heritage to cope with climate change, natural hazards and environmental pollution" approaches safeguarding and protecting Europe’s coastal and underwater cultural heritage from the effects of climate change and natural hazards in a holistic manner that includes risk management, protection and preparedness, as well as complementary strategies to prevent damage to cultural heritage sites, identify and ward off additional threats and promote policy tools for climate neutrality and economic resilience in coastal areas.
This project will target French, German and Swiss local and regional authorities to raise their awareness of the uses of Copernicus satellite data to improve territorial management at local, regional and cross border levels. Moreover, local administrators will be trained on the use of Copernicus satellite data and will be exposed to existing operational satellite-based services. A spatial indicator for urban planning based on Copernicus satellite data will also be co-designed by cross-border regions.
The project has a duration of 20 months and is carried out with funding from the Caroline Herschel Framework Partnership Agreement between the European Commission and Copernicus Participating States. The initiative is overseen by CNES in the frame of the “Connect-by-CNES” programme.
The ILIAD Project aims to Launch an Innovative Digital Twin of The Ocean. The EU funded project will integrate and extend existing EU earth observing, modelling digital infrastructures and computing facilities to provide highly accurate predictions of future developments at global seas.
As one of the project partners, Eurisy will take care of different activities evolving around communication and dissemination, stakeholder engagement, user needs analysis, and policy recommendations development.
Eurisy and CNES collaborated to bring to you hands-on examples of what can be achieved by using data and services from the Copernicus satellite constellations. Six videos have been realised, showcasing concrete examples of Copernicus data by local and regional authorities and SMEs in the fields of infrastructure monitoring, environmental protection, cultural heritage, urban planning, flood management and energy access. Written case studies are also available, to know more about the examples of the videos and about other experiences.
This initiative is implemented by Eurisy and CNES with funding from the between the European Commission and Copernicus Participating States. The initiative is overseen by CNES within the context of the initiative “Connect-by-CNES”.
The Global Space Markets Challenge is a new competition launched by ESA with the operational and technical support of Eurisy. The Challenge's objective is to select the six SMEs in the space sector which submit the most promising and convincing internationalisation plans.
In the context of the increasingly important role played by SMEs, in particular in the European space sector, ESA is striving to encourage and support the growth of these companies so that they have increased chances to have access to finance, information, and contacts, and, more generally, to promote their capabilities and know-how, in Europe and abroad.
The winning companies of the competition have been integrated in the Space Service Hub, an initiative to showcase European champions’ satellite based solutions in different areas from smart cities to rural and coastal areas. You can access the 3D web platform here: www.eurisy.eu/space-service-hub/
The GIS4Schools Project will have a positive impact on the European school education system by developing a scalable and reusable training package focused on the use of GIS in climate action, which is currently absent or rarely adopted. Direct beneficiaries of the project will be secondary school pupils. Young students will be empowered to develop business ideas using their potential for entrepreneurship contributing to the high growth potential of the Space Economy.
Working with satellite data allows students, with multiple backgrounds and professional goals, to solve real-world issues. The aim of the GIS4Schools Project is threefold: support opportunities for all in acquiring and developing STEAM competences; address innovative practices in a digital era; contribute to environmental and climate goals. Eurisy fulfils a leading role in the communication and dissemination segment of this project, by conveying innovative practices on the basis of space technology to students, teachers, and other enthusiasts of this project.