This webinar series, promoted by ESA in collaboration with Eurisy, will discuss the current challenges faced by maritime stakeholders, as well as how satellite-based solutions respond to emerging needs and trends. The webinar will gather around a virtual table local authority, NGOs, research centres, and industrial clusters from space and maritime domains.
Read more"Ideation is sometimes a mix of recklessness and ingenuity" Alexander Borg, Research and Innovation Consultant, Malta Innovation Technology Agency tells us. The Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) and The Malta Environment and Planning Authority (MEPA) organised their first Satellite data based App Challenge earlier this year. The result: 8 startups pitched their business ideas on how they would use satellite-data to develop their innovative idea into a testable, deployable and demonstrable solution. Here are Alexander's TOP 10 take aways!
Read moreWhen it comes to satellite data, open data policies have come to be expected and welcome from public entities. However, a private satellite data provider going for the same policy will make some noise and raise some eyebrows. Surely the very point of such companies is to make money from selling such data, not giving them away for free. And yet…
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