Sieber Transport AG: reducing fuel consumption by monitoring trucks with satellite navigation

The Company
Sieber Transport AG is a Swiss company operating in the sector of logistics, offering transport and warehousing services, using a fleet of 230 trucks, 460 employees and a 100 000 m2 floor space.
The Challenge
With rising fuel prices Sieber needed to monitor and analyse fuel consumption and trip mileage to assess the possible ways of reducing its internal costs and monitoring the state of its truck components without affecting the welfare of its staff and the quality of the services provided. In order to do so, Sieber invested in telematics solutions involving the use of satellite navigation to decrease the fuel consumption of its trucks.
The Satellite Solution
Sieber decided to install a telematics system in its trucks that allows for the monitoring of the vehicles and enables a direct communication between the dispatch department and each driver. The system, based on satellite navigation, monitors the drivers’ driving behaviour and the trucks’ performance and allows direct communication between each driver, the dispatch department and the repair shop staff, thus enabling the optimisation of route planning, order processing and vehicle maintenance. The drivers have
been trained on the use of the system and integrated in the implementation and installation phases and have been informed of the benefits the system provides to their work, in order to facilitate their adherence.
The Results
At least two litres of fuel per 100 kilometres are being saved, since the constant communication between the drivers and the fleet management helps to improve driving styles and to optimise route planning. The savings resulting from the reduction of fuel consumption and slower component wear represent twice the cost of the system’s implementation and maintenance.
In addition, Sieber contributes to environmental conservation with reduced fuel consumption, but also due to the continuous monitoring allowing Sieber to identify optimised truck servicing intervals. This in turn reduces the number of replacement parts, hence leading to less pollution and consumption of natural resources.
Finally, thanks to the system, drivers are more qualified and contribute to the company’s strategic efforts to cut costs and improve quality.
“Do not save on education and communication while implementing telematics solutions.” Christian Sieber, CEO