
Survey preliminary phase: A review of ten case studies

Before launching its survey for public authorities, Eurisy submitted its questionnaire to ten public administrations using satellite applications operationally.

The results of this work are presented in the analytical report “Operational uses of satellite-based applications in the public sector”, including a detailed description of the case studies reviewed.


Coast Alive! Project

COAST ALIVE (CA!) is a project between several North Sea coastal regions concerned with promoting healthy living and mitigating climate change in coastal areas.

Eurisy has worked with Norfolk County Council, one of the project partners, in producing a tailored report on the County needs and challenges, with experts’ recommendations on using satellite applications to meet them. Norfolk is currently looking at how to include satellite data in their current geographical information system, following some of these recommendations.


Satellite Broadband for Hampshire

BroadbandThis report evaluates the added value of satellite broadband in achieving 100% broadband coverage of the territory of Hampshire County. It is the outcome of a Eurisy case-study workshop hosted by the Hampshire County Council in Winchester, early 2011. The event brought together stakeholders from Hampshire County Council and satellite broadband experts from the European Satellite Operators Association (ESOA).


Eurisy MORE4NRG report: a practical introduction to satellite applications for forest and biomass professionals

Eurisy, with the support of remote sensing and forestry experts, has produced an introduction highlighting the added value of satellite applications for forestry inventories and biomass assessments as part of sustainable energy strategies on a local and regional level. The report provides new ideas to local and regional authorities actively seeking to leverage innovation in their projects related to forestry and biomass. It includes recommendations for local and regional authorities considering such solutions.
The report is Eurisy’s contribution to a toolkit on innovative approaches and tools for improving local energy strategies – the final output of the INTERREG project MORE4NRG

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