EO solutions for sustainable development: Hands-on e-shape services

The first national e-shape workshop took place in Istanbul at ITU Suleyman Demirel Cultural Center. The workshop aimed to present some of the project’s pilots related to sustainable development and climate change by introducing the potential of satellite applications for the use and benefits of the users as well as EO market trends to the audience.

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Looking back at the Living Planet Symposium

The Living Planet Symposium (LPS), held every three years by the European Space Agency (ESA), is the world’s biggest Earth Observation Conference. This year, from the 23rd to the 27th of May, the LPS22 was held at the World Conference Center in Bonn. During the symposium, the Eurisy team participated in different sessions related, among others to cultural heritage, arts, and climate change.

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EU Space is the key to disaster risk management and response

While more and more national disaster management authorities are aware of the potential of satellite-based solutions their use is still quite jeopardized. Lack of awareness, misinformation, limited access to data, fragmentation of services, difficulties of turning data into actionable information, are just some of the barriers hampering the integration of satellite-based services.

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Space for Critical Infrastructure – Reflecting on the collapse of the Morandi Bridge

During the second webinar on the introductory part of “Space 4 Critical Infrastructure”, researchers and decision makers shared concrete measures and practices on operational satellite services to support relevant entities with the maintenance of viaducts, tunnels, and highways. Special emphasis was put on lessons learnt from the collapse of the Morandi bridge and its impact on a European wide reflection on how to modernise critical infrastructure monitoring tools.

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The Space Service Hub

The Space Service Hub, is the new Eurisy one-stop-shop 3D platform to showcase European champions’ satellite based solutions in different areas from smart cities to rural and coastal areas. It allows space service providers to have permanent visibility of their flagship product and services while new potential users and customers can know more about satellites and the opportunities offered. The SSH is powered by ESA and embedded in the Eurisy website. It also consists of a virtual reality software to bring the users into an immersive experience.

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Introduction into the proposed EU-Directive on the resilience of critical entities

NEREUS together with Eurisy launched their new webinar series “Space for Critical Infrastructure”. The series has been created in the wake of the European Commission’s proposal of a new directive on the resilience of critical entities. This opening webinar provided an overview of the new scope of the directive, its perimeter as well as its major consequences and the potential of Earth observation data to increase the effectiveness of monitoring and maintenance operations.

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Eurisy Members’ Corner: Focus on the European Space Agency

During the first webinar of the Eurisy Members’ Corner series, Davide Coppola, Business Developer and Project Manager at ESA, provided insights into the support and funding opportunities made available by ESA to private companies of all sizes to integrate space technologies and bring their products to the market.

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