Poland User Forum “Satellites for society: operational uses of satellite-based services by the Polish public administration”

Warsaw, Poland




Satellite navigation, satellite communication and Earth observation produce information that can support public managers in a number of strategic sectors, such as transport, environmental monitoring, risk management, urban planning, and tele-medicine, to quote but a few.

In 2015, Eurisy launched a survey targeting public authorities using satellite-based services operationally for civilian uses. The initiative aimed at understanding how public authorities use the services, which challenges they face and what benefits they obtain.

Between March and September 2015, Polish public authorities operating at the local, regional or national level have submitted 49 replies to the survey. The feedback provided by the respondent institutions shows that satellite-based services are already being used operationally to improve a number of public services in Poland.


User Forum objectives

This User Forum will present and discuss the results obtained from the analysis of the experiences of the Polish public authorities who participated to the Eurisy survey, with the following objectives:


Co-organised by


The Polish Ministry of Economic Development has been created in December 2015. It is responsible, among other tasks, for the implementation of Poland’s strategies for socio-economic development and economic policy. The Ministry is also in charge of managing the deployment of European funds.


The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) is a government agency established in 2000. The Agency provides support to entrepreneurs through different actions, including: financing for enterprises, development services, education and information activities, as well as actions aimed at enhancing entrepreneurship culture and innovation in Poland. Since 2012, PARP is implementing several activities to foster entrepreneurship and development in the space sector in Poland. 


With the support of

The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world.


Polska Agencja Kosmiczna

Established in September 2014 the Polish Space Agency (POLSA) supports the national space industry by combining the world of business and science.  An important aspect of the Agency’s activity is to promote the development of satellite technology that can be used in everyday life, including communication, navigation, environmental monitoring and weather forecasting.