Space4Sports Webinar Series





1st Episode Space4Sports Webinar Series: ENTERTAINMENT



14:30-14:35 European Platform for Sport Innovation INTRODUCTION, (EPSI Executive Director, Alberto Bichi)


14:35-14:40 EURISY INTRODUCTION (Eurisy Secretary General, Annalisa Donati)


14:40-14:45 Historical introduction on the connection between Space and Sport: Tokyo Olympics of 1964 and the Telstar1 satellite. (Eurisy Secretary General, Annalisa Donati)


14:45-14:55  Presentation of Able Active (CEO-Founder of Surpass Sport System, Adrian Geissel)


14:55-15:05 Presentation of GeoRacing App ( Department Manager Geo Racing , David Barbosa)


15:05-15:15 Technical Officer, ESA Business Application and Space Solutions, Antonio Rodenas Bosque, Presentation ESA Call “Space for Olympic Games”


15:15-15:30 Final Remarks and Q&A