Space4Sports Webinar




Investments in space are being leveraged in all kinds of sectors to provide innovative services, and sports are no exception. Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) such as Europe’s Galileo constellation, as well as Earth Observation (EO) data and satellite communications provide a considerable number of applications for sports activities.

This webinar, organized by Eurisy within its SPACE4SPORTS Initiative, in collaboration with EPSI- the European Platform for Sport Innovation, aims to explore the various applications and benefits space data can have in the sector, from enhancing performance analysis to enabling improved decision-making processes or supporting infrastructure management.

As the role of satellite data in the sport sector is increasingly significant, this webinar series is intended to increase awareness on the potential uses of satellite applications hence the benefits stemming from the integration of innovative solutions to optimise processes and provide better and more effective services. The speakers selected will showcase success stories of satellite application in the sport sector and engaging with real-life stories and examples.


The objective of this initiative is to:




Explore and embrace the Olympic spirit!

Organised by