Click on the highlighted links to download available presentations below.
Welcome speeches
Agrita Kiopa, Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Science and Education of Republic of Latvia
Edmunds Belskis, Director of the Communications Department, Ministry of Transport of Latvia
Frédéric Nordlund, Head of International Relations Department, European Space Agency
Catharina Bamps, DG GROW, European Commission
Case-studies: operational services relying on satellite data and navigation
Use of satellite data to tackle oil spills at sea
Ojars Gerke, Environment Management Officer at Latvian Coast Guard, Vice-Chair of the HELCOM Response Working Group
Forest management solutions based on Earth Observation
Priit Anton, Vice president at Reach-U/Regio Ltd., Estonia
MapOn: GNSS-based fleet management solutions
Dairis Zarins, Marketing manager, MapOn, Latvia
GNSS online security solutions
Karlis Berzins, Owner, Novero, Latvia
An overview of satellite resources
Copernicus services: access to data & information; business opportunities
Hands-on demos for access to Copernicus data and information
Both presentations by Catharina Bamps, European Commission, DG GROW, Copernicus: services
Copernicus Sentinel Satellites: access to data and future perspectives
Hands-on demos for access to Sentinel data (QuickTime file downloads)
Both presentations by Alessandra Tassa, European Space Agency Copernicus Office
Satellite navigation applications: opportunities from the European GNSS
Fiammetta Diani, European GNSS Agency
Discussion: how to boost innovation in the Baltics?
1. What are the regional needs where satellite applications could help?
Juris Zarins, Forest Data Solutions Manager, Latvian State Forests
Inese Suija-Markova, Managing Director, Institute for Environmental Solutions, Latvia
Juris Grinevics, Deputy director of Control Department at Rural Support Service, Latvia
2. Successful space strategies in the Baltics – good practice exchange
Maija Cebere, Head of Latvian Space Technologies and Services Cluster
Domantas Bručas, Director of Space Science and Technology Institute, Lithuania
The conversation continued in Lithuania! The next day the European Economic and Social Committee organised the conference “Boosting regional success in space: the Baltic way!” in Kaunas. More information about this conference is available on the event website.
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