Satellite solutions for smarter islands




08:30-09:00     Registration

09:00-09:25     Welcome addresses

Moderation: James Foden, Malta Council for Science and Technology

09:25-10:00     Keynotes

Hosts and invited speakers provide an overview of European and national innovation strategies.

10:00-10:15      Exhibition stands pitches

10:15-10:40     Coffee break

10:40-12:30     Session 1: “Smart governments: innovation for citizens”

Representatives of regional or national public administrations share their experience in using satellite based services in the field of digital administration, maritime, public transports…

Moderation: Stefaan De Mey, Eurisy

12:30-12:45     App Challenge announcement

Launch of the “Satellite Solutions for a Smarter Malta” App Challenge.

12:45-14:00     Networking lunch

An interactive lunch to foster networking and exchanges

14:00-15:30     Session 2: “Satellite applications: big opportunities for small companies”

Representatives of SMEs and start-ups share their experience in using satellite-based services operationally in the field of marketing, tourism, entertainment and media…

Moderation: Brigitte Tanti, Enterprise Europe Network Malta

15:30-15:50     Coffee break

15:50-17:20     Session 3: Data access and funding opportunities

This session will give practical information on available satellite data sources, where to find them, and which are the funding mechanisms available to develop and adopt satellite-based services

Moderation: Alexander Borg, Malta Information Technology Agency

17:20-17:45     Conference closure