Space solutions and Smart Cities unite at the Smart Cities Expo World Congress

 At the Smart Cities World Expo, space solutions and smart cities met, highlighting their synergy and potential for future urban development. Eurisy has long focused on the role of space solutions for smart cities. The recent kick-off of the UDENE project highlights this commitment, and the forthcoming Geospatial Tools for Cities Focus Group, part of the European Commission's Smart Cities Marketplace, promises to be another significant initiative in this area.

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Eurisy at the 10th European Summit of Cities and Regions

Eurisy participated in the 10th Summit of Regions and Cities in Mons, Belgium. Local and regional authorities were given a platform to voice their concerns about the increasing impact of climate change in their cities and regions and in the global context, and their struggle to overcome some of their challenges. Short- and long-term solutions were discussed and exchanged among leaders, but one valuable tool was not considered: space-based applications and services.

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Kicking Off the UDENE Project in Ankara

How can Earth Observation data support an efficient and sustainable urban development? From 12th to 14th of February, UDENE consortium met in Ankara, Turkey for the kick-off the new project. Focused on U(rban) D(evelopement) E(xplorations) using N(atural) E(xperiments) the project gathers 9 partners, from 6 countries including Tunisia, Turkey, Serbia, Italy, France, and Slovenia, to build sustainable urban environments and address the challenges posed by increasing urbanisation and the effects of climate change.

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A talk about concrete uses of satellite data and services to support cities

In this brief overview we collect the main opportunities and challenges related to the uptake of operational satellite-based services in cities as presented by the different speakers during the workshop "From innovation to operation: a talk about concrete uses of satellite data and services to support cities’ resilience and sustainability".

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