EU Space is the key to disaster risk management and response

While more and more national disaster management authorities are aware of the potential of satellite-based solutions their use is still quite jeopardized. Lack of awareness, misinformation, limited access to data, fragmentation of services, difficulties of turning data into actionable information, are just some of the barriers hampering the integration of satellite-based services.

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Space for Critical Infrastructure – Reflecting on the collapse of the Morandi Bridge

During the second webinar on the introductory part of “Space 4 Critical Infrastructure”, researchers and decision makers shared concrete measures and practices on operational satellite services to support relevant entities with the maintenance of viaducts, tunnels, and highways. Special emphasis was put on lessons learnt from the collapse of the Morandi bridge and its impact on a European wide reflection on how to modernise critical infrastructure monitoring tools.

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Eurisy’s Monthly Faves

Eurisy's Monthly Faves: SeptemberEach month Eurisy comes across several new examples on how space and satellite technology can be used to improve life on Earth. Here are some of our favourites from September.

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