Meet our newest member: The Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia

The Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC) has recently joined Eurisy. It is already the 20th member of an expanding network of space organisations across Europe collaborating to disseminate space-derived innovation into society. We introduce our new member with an overview of their activities and priorities.

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The Space Service Hub: Ignition and Liftoff! 

The Space Service Hub is up and running. Together with the European Space Agency, Eurisy launched this new platform to showcase a diverse set of satellite-based applications. During the launch event, participants travelled from space to Earth to discover a set of satellite solutions in urban, rural and coastal areas. 

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The Space Summer Festival 2022 – Space & Climate

From the 24th to the 25th of June, the second edition of the Space Summer Festival took place. The event was packed with accessible science talks and inspirational exhibitions. At the Eurisy booth visitors had the chance to learn about satellites in virtual reality. During the panel "Espace et climat" Eurisy presented the GIS4Schools project.

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Space 4 Critical Infrastructure – Public Administration

Large-scale risks such as accidents, natural disasters, and antagonistic threats, can disrupt the provision of essential services and undermine confidence in critical entities, as well as in the authorities responsible for their oversight and for keeping the population safe and secure. The webinar on Public Administration showcased how space can boost the preparedness of public administration for several threats and natural disasters that affect national, regional and local critical infrastructures and the safety of their citizens.

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Satellite-based Services for Disaster Risk Management

The workshop "Satellite-based Services for Disaster Risk Management" held on May 25th in Athens, aimed at creating a common understanding among Greek and European stakeholders of what satellite-based services can bring during the disaster management cycle and of how to facilitate the access and use of such solutions at national and regional levels.

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EO solutions for sustainable development: Hands-on e-shape services

The first national e-shape workshop took place in Istanbul at ITU Suleyman Demirel Cultural Center. The workshop aimed to present some of the project’s pilots related to sustainable development and climate change by introducing the potential of satellite applications for the use and benefits of the users as well as EO market trends to the audience.

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Looking back at the Living Planet Symposium

The Living Planet Symposium (LPS), held every three years by the European Space Agency (ESA), is the world’s biggest Earth Observation Conference. This year, from the 23rd to the 27th of May, the LPS22 was held at the World Conference Center in Bonn. During the symposium, the Eurisy team participated in different sessions related, among others to cultural heritage, arts, and climate change.

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