Ad astra, via Milano: Eurisy at the 75th International Astronautical Congress

Milan was abuzz with energy as the diverse and enthusiastic international space community gathered in the city for the largest space event of the year: The 75th International Astronautical Congress (IAC). Over 8,000 participants from throughout space sector and all across the globe, from agencies to industry, research to innovation, exploration to applications, gathered for one week of discussions, dialogue, panels and presentations, forming a hub for creativity and collaboration featuring a variety of voices charting the future of the space sector.  

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Switch to Space 2024: Space for a Safer World

On the 2nd of October, Eurisy participated in the Switch to Space event organised by Ms Dominique Tilmans in Brussels. Held in the splendid Egmont Palace, Switch to Space was the perfect forum for students, young professionals, seniors and experts to meet and discuss the future of the space sector, its challenges and opportunities.

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Satellite Applications for Climate Change: Insights from the New Space Economy Congress 2024

The fifth edition of the New Space Economy Congress 2024, the now annual event for the growing Catalonian new-space ecosystem, took place in Barcelona from 1-2 October. Organised by the Catalan Government in collaboration with the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC), the i2CAT Foundation, and the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia (ICGC), the event aims to promote Catalonian new space companies, and foster cooperation, collaboration, and innovation across and beyond the region. Amidst two days of discussions and demonstrations ranging deep-sea exploration to future commercial space stations, the growing array of satellite communications constellations, the regulatory considerations to ensure the sustainable use of space, and regional challenges and opportunities for new space companies, Eurisy was present to lead discussions on a session on satellite applications for climate change challenges.

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Eurisy at the Networking Event for Potential Pact for Skills Members

On 6 June 2024, Eurisy as a member of the SPACE4GEO Alliance represented the partnership at the Networking Event for Potential Pact for Skills Members. The event consisted of presentations and panel discussions, exploring opportunities, advantages and benefits for organisations from joining the Pact for Skills, which was launched in November 2020 by the European Commission (EC) as a shared engagement model for skills development in Europe aiming to maximise the impact of investing in upskilling and reskilling.  

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Procuring Innovative Climate Change Services: PROTECT project Final Event

In the last years, the European Union has introduced numerous policies aimed at mitigating the impacts of climate change, generating a need for innovative solutions and services to help achieve climate objectives. In this framework, Earth Observation represents a crucial area where European policies are stimulating innovation and demand for new services.

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Spotlight on Eurisy General Assembly 2024

During the full-day event of Eurisy General Assembly at EUMETSAT HQ in Darmstadt on June 18th, Eurisy Staff and Members had the chance not only to gather and share programmatic points, but also engage in dynamic discussion on some pivotal topics for the Association.  

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Eurisy was at the Summer Space Festival in Lille!

Eurisy was at the Summer Space Festival 2024! What a fantastic opportunity to engage with such a diverse network of space enthusiasts! From young students and experts to curious minds, the event provided a unique platform to engage with a diverse audience and showcase Eurisy’s activities.

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ESA, Eurisy, NOSA, and the NPI bring space to the Arctic for climate, safety, and sustainable development

On 2nd and 3rd July, the European Space Agency (ESA) in collaboration with Eurisy, the Norwegian Space Agency (NOSA), and the Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI), organised the Space for Arctic workshop in Tromsø, Norway, in the context of the ESA Accelerators and ESA’s Civil Protection from Space Programme. The 2-day workshop, led by Pascal Legai (DG Cabinet), gathered space and Arctic experts, industry, user communities, and researchers to discuss the potential of space technologies for the Arctic and gathering needs supporting the development of new programmes and capabilities in order to tackle climate change impacts in the region.

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