Eurisy General Assembly 2024

On June 18th, Eurisy hosted its annual General Assembly at the EUMETSAT headquarters in Darmstadt, Germany. This one-day event was a valuable opportunity for members to reconvene and discuss ongoing transformations and achievements. Featuring inspiring discussions and new ideas for future initiatives, the 2024 edition of Eurisy's General Assembly was a successful and productive day that fostered international cooperation and strengthened the community.

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Belgian Space Applications for Disaster Risk Management Showcased Under the Shadow of the Dinosaurs

On 11 December 2023, the European Union Space Programme Agency (EUSPA), in collaboration with Eurisy and the Belgium Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO), organised the workshop on “Satellite-Based Services for Disaster Risk Management” at the Institute of Natural Sciences in Brussels, Belgium. The workshop aimed at bringing together high-level decision-makers and policy experts, a range of service providers, as well as representatives of end-user communities, on the uses, benefits, and challenges of utilising satellite technologies to protect populations from disaster threats. By fostering dialogue and understanding of both the capabilities on offer, as well as the needs and requirements of users, the workshop series supports Eurisy’s core aim of bridging space and society.

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It is again that time of the year…eurisy Members’ Day!

Eurisy gathered its members for its yearly event entirely dedicated to its members on 12 December 2023 at the Brussels Institute of Natural Sciences to take stock of all the activities performed throughout the year and to look prospectively at the priorities to be collectively pursued in 2024.

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Workshop Connects Slovakian Service Providers and Stakeholders Protecting the Country from Growing Disaster Risks

On 30 November 2023, public authorities, researchers, civil institutions, private companies, and other relevant stakeholders gathered at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava to discuss local challenges related to natural hazards and how local entities could make the best use of the European space infrastructure to improve preparedness, strengthen prevention, optimise response, innovate recovery and overall boost resilience.

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Interview with Yana Gevorgyan

Here is our interview series with the Secretariat Director of GEO, the Group on Earth Observations. Yana Gevorgyan explains what GEO is and what are the ambitious plans of the organisation to make Earth information available to all decision-makers working to ensure the sustainability of nature and livelihoods.

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Eurisy General Assembly 2023

On June 19th the brand-new ESA headquarter opened its doors to the Eurisy community to host its 2023 General Assembly. The General Assembly is the key annual meeting to take stock of the activities performed by the secretariat to meet the objectives set and to share information, exchange experiences, discuss potential partnerships. To address all possible needs the event has been organised in hybrid format counting 25 participants present on site and 17 members participating remotely, altogether representing 19 countries and 23 organisations. 

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