Boosting the European education system with space and geospatial data

In over 30 years since its creation, Eurisy has lent its support in the field of space applications and solutions for communities of end users. The aim is to build solid relations with communities new to space encouraging early adopters to share experiences creating a common ground for professionals from diversified backgrounds.
Working with users allows Eurisy to have a wide picture of the existing bottlenecks in the uptake of satellite-based solutions, such as the lack of knowledge and skilled personnel. In this sense, Eurisy has always played a role in supporting international and regional initiatives that aim at fostering the development of the GI and EO skills.
Eurisy recently joined as an associated partner the EO4GEO project.
EO4GEO is an Erasmus+ Sector Skills Alliance gathering 26 partners from 13 EU countries, most of which are part of the Copernicus Academy Network. The project started in January 2018 and will end in December 2021. It aims at bridging the skills gap between the supply and demand of education and training in space and geospatial sectors, boosting the take-up and integration of space and geospatial data and services in a wide range of application domains.
In the frame of this partnership, Eurisy aims at contributing to the acquisition of EO and GI skills for professionals and to stimulate the curiosity of the younger generation, also relying on the involvement of Eurisy in the Erasmus+ GIS4Schools Project. Find out more about GIS4Schools here.
Eurisy is pleased to be part of such a broad European network. Know more about our role as EO4GEO associated partner, and how we support the development of the EO/GI sector in this interview.