ASI - Italian Space Agency
ASI is a national public body supervised by the Ministry of Education, University and Research. It coordinates Italian contribution to the space sector.
www.asi.itASI is a national public body supervised by the Ministry of Education, University and Research. It coordinates Italian contribution to the space sector.
www.asi.itBELSPO manages the country’s contribution to ESA and various EU programmes. It offers support to Belgium companies interested in entering the geo-information market.
www.belspo.beThe Operational Unit “BEYOND Center of EO research and satellite remote sensing” of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) aims to provide timely information to relevant disaster management and emergency management authorities and stakeholders, and, by utilising space technology, to aid them in decision making for civil protection measures.
www.beyond-eocenter.euThe Munster Technological University hosts six research, business and StartUps support centres to develop sustainable and productive research, innovation, and technology transfer.
www.mtu.ieThe Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales was founded in 1961. CNES the governmental agency responsible for shaping and implementing France’s space policy in Europe.
www.cnes.frThe Royal Centre for Remote Sensing is the Moroccan national institution responsible for the promotion, use and development of remote sensing applications in Morocco.
www.crts.gov.maThe Deputy Ministry is responsible for formulating and implementing the national space strategy and policy. The Department of Electronic Communications is the executive arm for the implementation of the ESA-Cyprus cooperation and the EU Space programmes.
www.mcw.gov.cyDLR is the national aeronautics and space research centre of the Federal Republic of Germany and the umbrella organisation for the national project execution.
www.dlr.deSince more than 40 years, ESA is Europe's gateway to space. The Agency's mission is to shape the development of Europe's space capability.
www.esa.intEUSPA’s core mission is to implement the EU Space Programme and to provide reliable, safe and secure space-related services, maximising their socio-economic benefits for European society and business.
www.euspa.europa.euFFG is the national funding institution for applied research and development in Austria. The FFG supports via its Aeronautics and Space Agency the Austrian interest within ESA.
www.ffg.atThe Space Department of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade is responsible for space matters in Hungary, and represents internationally.
www.kormany.huIAF is the world’s leading space advocacy body with over 270 members, including all key space agencies, companies, associations and institutes across 64 countries.
www.iafastro.orgThe Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC) is a leading research and innovation centre in space sciences and technologies with more than 25 years of history. It has the role of space office of the Catalan government for the implementation of the New Space Strategy and for the promotion of the Catalan space ecosystem at national and international level.
www.ieec.catMCST is the government body responsible for research policy, promoting scientific research, management of the local research funding programme.
www.mcst.gov.mtNSO is the space agency of the Dutch government. NSO consolidates various executive tasks of Dutch space policy. It acts as single point of contact for the government for the space sector.
www.spaceoffice.nlEstablished in September 2014, the Polish Space Agency (POLSA) supports the national space industry by combining the world of business and science.
www.polsa.gov.plThe Romanian Space Agency, established in 1991 and reorganised in 1995, is responsible for the Romanian National Space Research and Applications Programme.
www.rosa.roRST-TTO was created in 2012. RST-TTO’s mission is is to raise awareness and strengthen the cooperation between science and business community in Bulgaria.
www.rst-tto.comThe Slovak Space Office consists of two components. The Ministry of Education is responsible for inter-ministerial political coordination and multilateral international cooperation (European Space Agency — ESA, EU, UN). SARIO covers the implementation part of the agenda, especially developing the space ecosystem, local and international partnerships.
https://spaceoffice.sk/Turkish Space Agency is the Turkish state authority responsible for the preparation of the strategic plans governing the medium and long term goals on aeronautics and space technologies.
www.tua.gov.tr/enThe UK Space Agency is an executive agency of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and at the heart of UK efforts to explore and benefit from space.
www.bis.gov.uk/ukspaceagencyThe European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) is an intergovernmental organisation created through an international convention agreed by a current total of 30 European Member States.
https://www.eumetsat.int/Portugal Space is the Portuguese Space Agency created by the Portuguese government in collaboration with the regional government of the Azores in 2019.