Since 2002, Eurisy has been active in fostering the use of space technologies for safeguarding cultural heritage. In 2002-2003, Eurisy co-organised with UNESCO and other international organisations the first two international meetings on Space Applications for Heritage Conservation in Strasbourg and in Beirut, followed by the Workshop on Space Applications for Heritage Conservation in Córdoba in 2004 and by the Conference Use of Space Technologies for the Conservation of Natural and Cultural Heritage (Campeche, 2005). In 2011, Eurisy held in Norwich the conference “Managing Biodiversity, Cultural Heritage and the Movement of People in Norfolk County: How Satellite Services Can Help”.
The Basilicata Region is at the centre of a Southern European urban region, with more than two million inhabitants. Environmental sustainability is the leitmotif of Basilicata’s main economic sectors, which include renewable energy, biotech, satellite remote sensing, automotive manufacture, agrifood, and fossil fuel extraction. Between Potenza and Matera, the region hosts a cluster specialised in earth observation and space robotics. A network of enterprises, research centres and university departments are dedicated to satellite technologies, environmental monitoring, seismic research, and the prediction and attenuation of risks related to natural disasters.
The Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies (NEREUS) spreads the use and understanding of space technologies among European regions and their citizens. Acting as voice of European regions in matters of space uses, NEREUS advocates for a stronger regional dimension of EU space policy and programmes via political dialogue, interregional collaborations and public outreach activities.

The TeRN ”Earth Observation and Natural Hazard Technologies” Consortium was constituted on December 29th, 2005 by public and private partners. It is composed of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), the Regional Environment Protection Agency of the Basilicata Region (ARPAB), the RELUIS Inter-University Consortium, the E-Geos S.p.A (Finmeccanica Group), and the CREATEC SMEs Consortium. TeRN focuses on the development of innovative technologies and methodologies aimed at the protection and prevention of environmental and natural hazards.

The Italian Space Agency (ASI) was founded in 1988 to coordinate all of Italy’s efforts and investments in the space sector. Today, ASI has a key role at the European level where Italy is the third contributor country to the European Space Agency. In addition to providing the means to study the Universe, from space you can observe Earth to predict and prevent environmental disasters, ensure rapid intervention in crisis-stricken areas and measure the effects of climate change. Italy is also in the forefront in this area. For example, COSMO-SkyMed, the jewel in the crown of ASI programmes, is aimed at improving our knowledge of the Earth.