Malta App Challenge





Look beyond Data: get creative solving the users’ problems!

The solutions can include mobile apps, website applications, interactive online experiences and other software applications. 

We look beyond the Data and satnav technologies. It should be about user experience and engagement as well.

Get creative with gaming apps, 3D modeling, augmented reality, web portals, online and mobile demonstrations, social media, and anything else you can think of to turn data into information, and put that information to good use!

Make use of as many dataset layers you deem necessary. Very frequently, interesting patterns and applications arise from the fusion of various geospatial datasets. Don’t forget to leverage GPS and LBS!

As shown in the Timeline section, a needs scoping exercise with experts from MEPA will help participants funnel their creative ideas into real-world applications. Applicants from both the Environment Challenge and the StartAPP 2.0 Challenge are welcome to attend.