Eurisy at the GEO-Academy Summer School 2024

Between 7 and 12 July 2024, as a GEO-Academy project member, Eurisy attended the GEO-Academy Summer School 2024 in Marathon, Greece. The summer school focused on exchanging knowledge and enriching the participants’ understanding of site-specific problems linked to geospatial phenomena, such as population density, and flood susceptibility, as well as relevant methodologies, resources and geospatial tools.
Through a range of lectures and collaborative workshops, the summer school aimed at fostering partnerships between teachers, students, innovators, researchers, and stakeholders in science-related fields, encouraging collaboration on real-life challenges and innovations, among other things. Different geospatial tools were presented, such as PurpleAir, EO Browser, GTIF and many more. Learn more about the tools here.

During the Summer School, the new GEOBSERVE Platform was presented to the participants. GEOBSERVE is a platform, developed by GEO-Academy, hosting trainings and materials, as well as resources and guides to support teaching sustainable development in the classroom, available free and accessible everywhere. The GEO-Academy consortium developed a guided tour of GEOBSERVE, available here.

Moreover, the participants learned about the GEO-Academy developed Bridge Model, which is not linked to a fixed pedagogical approach, instead, the model was developed to find a way to bridge the gap between the curriculum requirements on the one hand and the learning outcomes at the level of the students on the other. This universal validity of the model makes it possible to depict a wide variety of scenarios of school life, such as age group of students, different subjects (Physics, Mathematics, Geography, …), class size and composition, teaching environment (virtual, face-to-face), cultural norms, socioeconomic factors, educational approach, technological integration, special education needs or curricular constraints.

Participating in the GEO-Academy Summer School 2024 offered Eurisy an opportunity to learn about geo technologies and expand its knowledge on the use of satellite data and education in secondary and high school. GEO-Academy will organise two additional international training events in the course of the next two years: Winter School in Austria and Summer School in Portugal – stay tuned!
GEO-Academy is an Erasmus+ Teacher Academy aiming to transform climate change and sustainability education throughout Europe by establishing a network of educators and providing a suite of cross-curricula resources and training to enhance their green, digital, and spatial skills. Learn more about GEO-Academy and the upcoming training events here.